
I’m getting married in 42 days.

The comments and squealing and questions have already been hilarious. “What?!” is the most common, especially at college. “Are you guys going to live together after you get married??” is my personal favorite to cackle at.

(Yes. The answer is yes.)

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intravenous faith & struggle pretty

adulthood is a long, slow climb.

it’s an adventure full of mountains and valleys but nobody said that climbing was always fun. and even the fun parts are draining on your body, climbing up through brush and over stone.  there is the rush, the push to get to the top of the next big thing, that saps away at you when you have to stop for breath.

adulthood is terrifying, because it’s the prospect of doing everything on your own, all at once.  no takesie-backsies, there is no margin for error: every action is written on a page, and the world is watching you.

Continue reading “intravenous faith & struggle pretty”

dance in the eye

for my guy. and all of us who live.

times like these I’m tired of being tired.  Sophomore year feels like a thousand doors; a thousand doors you’re expected to run through with vigor and enthusiasm! just look at the type of people who run for office on campus! everyone functions like that, right?

hah, hah.

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Suddenly A Hockey Game Broke Out

I’ve recently started staffing events at the Gwinnett Arena. And as soon as I learned at call time that tonight’s Gwinnett Gladiator’s hockey game was Star Wars night, well, I knew it was going to be good. Especially since the Empire and a few Storm Troopers hung out in my section.  I got high-fives and fistbumps, people.  It was rad.

My favorite moment had to be when I was asked, “You don’t lock the doors when the game starts up again, right?  This isn’t like the opera?”

He was right.  It was not like the opera.

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207A (This is My Thesis)

A spontaneously drafted short story from the beginning of freshman year, when I imagined someone falling in love with someone they had never seen.  The rest is utterly imaginary for the most part: although a few elements are drawn from reality, I’m pretty sure no one has fallen in love with my voice.  Also, photo taken by my incredibly talented friend Sarah.  Enjoy.


I was a Senior that year in suite 207, with three roommates.  The lobby and stairwell were always blank and dilapidated, unlike all the pieces of paper you filled to be allowed into the upperclassmen housing.

Room 207A, and there were two tiny holes in the concrete beneath my linoleum floor.

The studious freshmen applied for the first floor in this dorm, the quieter freshmen, with headphones and double majors.

That’s why it was so funny that I could hear you.

Continue reading “207A (This is My Thesis)”